Carers Count Action was initially set up to give carers across the region their own voice to help shape the way that Carers Count services are delivered and to provide feedback on the support available currently and in the future.
Taking its lead from the highly successful Kirklees Mental Health Carers Forum - which has been fundamental in helping to implement changes in local services - Carers Count Action is run in partnership with carers and we welcome all carers from across Kirklees to engage with us and help us to improve the services we offer.
The main aims and goals of the forum are:
- To be a collective voice for carers
- To allow carers a safe and friendly space to share their views, concerns and experiences of Carers Count services – good or bad
- To provide an opportunity for carers to hear about changes to existing Carers Count services from the professionals who are planning and making the changes
- To enable carers to hear about proposed changes to Carers Count services before they take effect
- To open up a direct dialogue between service professionals and carers to openly discuss new developments and plans, and to have a positive impact on services
- To offer carers the chance to help set the agenda for the meetings
- To ensure that Carers Count is accountable for implementing the changes agreed upon
We actively welcome all carers to get involved in any way to help shape the future of Carers Count services across Kirklees.
Carers Count provides the facilities to host the meeting (on Zoom and face-to-face) and follow-up minutes are sent to all attendees. Forum members are also invited back to follow-up sessions wherever possible.
“The forum is so important as it offers us carers the rare opportunity to share our feedback openly in a safe and non-judgmental space. It also allows us to help to shape the Carers Count services and support available to us all going forward.
“I’ve found it helpful in allowing me to share experiences and best practices with others in the area, speak to professionals that I wouldn’t usually have the access to and find out how best to access the support out there."
Read Claire's experience of being part of the Carers Count Action group in her own words...
If you'd like to find out more or have any questions about joining the forum, we'd love to hear from you.
Please get in touch!
Claire has been a member of Carers Count Action since its formation. Read about what motivated her to become involved and why it's vital that carers continue to support and join the forum.