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Mental Health Service

I heartily recommend this service to other carers, because you can get one-to-one support even if it's just over the phone... my support worker will never know how much she really helps. - Andrew, carer


If you give time and energy to support an adult with mental health needs, drug and alcohol issues, or dementia, then we can support you.


Carers Count includes a specialist service aimed at providing emotional and practical support to carers like you.


This service is commissioned by Kirklees Council to meet the needs of carers impacted by these issues. It has been proven that supporting carers in their caring roles lessen hospital admissions and carer stress or breakdown.


This support can include:


Our service is free and confidential. If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please visit the Contact Us page. 

We work with people across North and South Kirklees, but we are based in Dewsbury at the following address:


5th Floor Empire House, Wakefield Old Road, Dewsbury, WF12 8DJ

Joanna, an after-carer, said this about the group support she received:


“It was so very helpful to me when my son was drinking heavily. The group I attended gave me the strength to cope. It was absolutely invaluable to have people to turn to who understood what I was going through. When my son died, I had people to talk to. I’ve made really good friends and even ten years on, we still meet up and try to help one another.”