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Contingency Planning

What happens to your loved one if you fall ill?  


This is a huge concern for so many unpaid carers. It`s one of those nagging thoughts that can bring you out in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. Regardless of who it is that you care for, many carers are likely to be faced with this situation at some point during their caring role. 


It's never nice to have to consider the 'What If?' scenario. It is one of those jobs that we all keep putting off but having a plan in place can save an awful lot of stress, upset, time and anxiety at a point when you need to look after yourself.


At Carers Count we can support you to look at your options and help you to pull together a well-thought-out and considered contingency plan.  


Talking it Through

We have advocates available who can talk through your options in regard to what you would want to happen.


An advocate won't make these choices but help you and your family explore what would work for you. 


There are a number of specific tools available that you can use to write a plan: 


Further guidance on planning for an emergency can also be found on the Carers UK website. 


Lions Clubs Message in a Bottle

Lions Clubs Message in a Bottle is a simple but effective way for people to keep their basic personal and medical details where they can be found in an emergency on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge.


Message in a Bottle (known within Lions as MIAB) helps emergency services personnel to save valuable time in identifying an individual very quickly and knowing if they have any allergies or take special medication.


Paramedics, police, firefighters and social services support this Lions life-saving initiative and know to look in the fridge when they see the Message in a Bottle sticker, supplied. The initiative provides peace of mind that prompt and appropriate medical assistance can be provided, and next of kin/emergency contacts can be notified.


Message in a bottle