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Young Carers

Are you a young carer aged 18-25?


If so, Carers Count would like to hear from you!


We want to make sure that all carers have a say about the services and support they can access. We want to make sure that the voices of as many carers as possible are heard when decisions are being made by services, commissioners and funders.


At the moment, we don't have many people involved who are aged 18-25. If you have experiences and views you would like to share, please get in touch!


We know that the pandemic has been particularly hard for Young Carers, take a look at Megan's experiences and her top tips on looking after your mental health. 


Follow us on: 

Scroll down to find out about other services for young carers in Kirklees...


Find out about the Young Carers Support App and other free resources in West Yorkshire

Young Carers Support App


Our Young Adult Carers group meets on the last Thursday of every month. 


 Young Adult Carers group meet on the last Thursday of every month


Local Services for Young Carers

Barnardo's - Kirklees Young Carers Service

The Barnardo's Young Carers service provides assessed support through 1:1 sessions and targeted group work. We also run holiday activities and trips to give young carers a break from caring. We use a ‘whole family’ approach and believe in the strength of multi-agency and partnership working. Barnardo’s in partnership with Carers Count and other organisations also provide a ‘transition’ support service to young adult carers aged 16-25. Find out more about the service from this first-hand interview of a young carer:



Barnardo's can also help you to understand your rights as a young carer. Please watch this video to find out more:


Across West Yorkshire, many young people care for members of their family. Young carers have told us that it can make a real difference to their lives and wellbeing when they are identified and supported as a young carer by their friends and teachers. In this film, young carers are sharing how caring has an impact on their life and how others around them can support them.
These are their own words and their experiences.



To find out more, please call 01484 426100.


Artwork by Young Carers:

Kirklees Young Carers Service Leaflet




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