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PCAN (Parents of Children with additional needs) is an independent charity for parents/carers of any child or children aged 0-25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities across Kirklees. Don’t worry if your child doesn’t have a diagnosis. You can join PCAN if you are just becoming aware that your child has additional needs. It’s free! – click here


We can support you in the following ways:


Good Information

We can provide information and signpost you to support and services in the area through our website, newsletters, events and social media.  We can also answer your queries over the phone or via email. So, for example, if you want to find out about where to get support or find out what activities are available for children and young people, feel free to get in touch. Our closed Facebook group is another fantastic way of finding out information from other parents. Contact us on 07754102336 or or check our website


Talk and Support

We run informal social events for parent carers on a regular basis so parents can meet up, share experiences, make new friends and feel less isolated.  Sometimes you feel like you’re the only one who has a child like yours, and it’s a relief to meet others who know where you are coming from and understand your situation. Some of our members are grandparents, foster carers and guardians. If you can’t get to us, we can visit your school. PCAN visits schools all over Kirklees to support parents at coffee mornings/afternoons. Ask your school to contact Trace on 01484213313 or


A Stronger Voice

As parents and carers we want our children to have the best possible quality of life. We work hard to seek support, education and opportunities that will enable them to develop to the best of their abilities, achieve their goals and lead happy and fulfilling lives. We are our children’s biggest supporters and most trusted advocates, so it is important that our voices are heard.


For the past 8 years, PCAN has been championing the voices of parents and carers across Kirklees in our partnership work with Kirklees Council and Health so that we can improve services for our children. We gather your views at our events, through surveys, phone calls and social media. We make sure that any service reviews or changes being carried out by the Council have parents views at the centre. We will make sure you hear about what is going on and how you can get involved through our newsletters. Together we can make a difference!

PCAN also supplies the Maxcard for Kirklees. Find out more information here:



Contact Details:

Tel: 07754102336

