Cost of Living Support
We understand that many unpaid carers in Kirklees are facing unprecedented pressures on their finances as the cost of living continues to rise.
Carers Count is here to offer you advice and guidance on what support is in place to help you in these difficult times. In this blog, Ros Walters - Specialist Benefits Advisor from our Information and Advice Team - talks you through the various schemes that are currently available.
The government has put new help in place to support people with the cost of living. There are several different schemes available - each aimed at different groups.
Anyone paying an electricity bill will get £400 taken off their energy account in the autumn; This won’t be paid as cash – but applied as effectively a discount on your bill.
You won’t have to repay it.
This replaces the previous scheme of a £200 payment applied to accounts that needed to be repaid over five years.
There will be an extra £150 payment to people who get disability benefits
To be entitled to this payment, you have to be getting one of these benefits:
- Disability Living allowance; or
- Personal Independence Payment; or
- Attendance Allowance; or
- Armed Forces Independence Payment; or
- Constant Attendance Allowance; or
- War Pension Mobility Supplement
This payment will go out in September.
The money will be paid in the same way as your disability benefit. For most people, this will be by a transfer into their bank account.
Anyone who is pension age on or before 25 September 2022 (born on or before 25 September 1956) will get an extra £300 in addition to the £200-300 Winter Fuel Payment.
Most people who get this will receive payment by direct debit in November or December 2022.
£650 will be paid in two instalments to households getting one of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit; or
- Pension Credit; or
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA); or
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA); or
- Income Support; or
- Working Tax Credit; or
- Child Tax Credit
It will be paid automatically by the same mechanism you usually get your benefits – so if you get direct transfers into your bank account, that is how it will be paid.
You will only get one payment of £650, even if you’re receiving several of the benefits on this list.
To qualify for the first instalment of £326, you should have been receiving one of the above low-income benefits sometime between 26th April 2022 and 25th May 2022.
The first instalment will go out in July. The government hasn’t published information about the second instalment yet. This is due to be paid in the autumn.
If you are a council taxpayer and live in a property which is in council tax band A, B, C or D, you are entitled to a rebate of £150. This is in addition to the £400 mentioned above.
If you pay your council tax by direct debit you should receive this payment directly into your bank account. Most eligible people should have received these payments by now.
However, if you do not pay your council tax by direct debit, or you have not received this payment and think you should have, you can apply to Kirklees Council online. Council Tax Energy Rebate 2022-23 | Kirklees Council
Councils have been given extra money known as the Household Support Fund to run discretionary funding schemes. This means councils have a lot of flexibility about how they decide to use the money.
If you are struggling and live in Kirklees, you should apply through the Local Welfare Provision. Local Welfare Provision | Kirklees Council. Applications can be made online, using this link, or by phone on 01484 414782.
If you need further help to understand these payments or help to apply for them, please contact our information and advice team at Carers Count.