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Carers Week 2022



This year, Carers Week is taking place from the 6th - 12th of June, and the theme is 'Making Caring Visible, Valued and Supported'.


Carers Week is an annual campaign run in partnership with a number of key charities to help raise much-needed awareness of the challenges unpaid carers face. It also aims to recognise the often hidden contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.


As part of #CarersWeek, Carers Count will be running a number of special events, groups and campaigns not only to ensure that unpaid carers across Kirklees receive recognition for the difficulties and challenges they face but also to celebrate them and say thank you. 


So during Carers Week, we are coming together to make caring Visible, Valued and Supported.



Please visit our dedicated Carers Week page to find out more.